For those Screaming for Profit
3 Day Residential In-House
Business Mentor Program
What is covered in the Program
Day 1
Session 1 | Welcome and Introduction
Morning Tea
Session 2 | Understanding the Numbers
Session 3 | Product and Suppliers
Afternoon Tea
Session 4 | Customers and Customer Service
Close 5pm
Twilight Drinks
7pm Dinner
Day 2
7am Breakfast
Session 5 | Competitors
Morning Tea
Session 6 | Sales
Session 7 | Marketing
Afternoon Tea
Session 8 | Organisation + Spend Money to Win
Close 5pm
Twilight Drinks
7pm Dinner
Day 3
7am Breakfast
Session 9 | Rainmaker Mindset
Morning Tea
Session 10 | Goals and Action Plan
Sales Planning | Projections
Afternoon Tea
Session 11 | Balance
Session 12 | Wrap Up
Close 5pm
Organise your FREE Business Strategy Session to find out if this retreat is for you.